Thursday, January 7, 2010

About papers and dreams

Some time ago I bought some very cute brazilian scrapbooking papers from a well know SB group in Brazil, Scrapdiary.

I'll post here the pictures. They came in sets of 6 papers..double sided. I just couldn't resist and I really did bother the company owner till she agreed to sell me only the papers. They come in kits but they are not interesting for me, many of the things she uses we buy here, so...But it was a battle of titans..she's a tought negotiator, no discounts, nothing! But I didn't mind paying the price plus shipping (and that was exensive...the box was soooooooooo heavy!)...they are absolutely cute!

This is The Farm.
I was raised spending my vacations at the farm...cows, chickens, drinking milk practically from the cow...still warm (I won't tell anybody about the sugar, cinnamon and rum we used to add to it!!) I can almost smell the fresh air or feel the breeze coming from the woods or hear the birds singing on my window very early in the morning. I miss that!

I was kinda tired of the same patterns I kept seeing everywhere...nothing really new, And I wasn't very motivated really to go out and buy papers or start working on new pages. But when I saw those ones and the layouts my friends created with them...OMG...I just could not buy them!!!

The Fashion kit...of course I'm going to take pictures of the skirts I made at my sewing classes!!!
Right after I got them, Chris went to the hospital for a gastric bypass surgery and had so many complications after it that the papers were forgotten in a box. I spent more than 2 months taking care of my amazing husband, going to the hospital way I would come back home and do anything else but take a shower and go straight to bed (after doing the laundry, cleaning the house, feeding the cats, cleaning their litter boxes, paying the bills and so on).

Now the papers are finally out of the box. They look at me and I look back at them...who’s going to win this game?
Of course they won...I don’t have the will power to beat anything that’s craft related, none at all! I love buying my papers, embellishments, fabric, buttons, patterns…a little bit of this, a little bit of that and the stash is growing…and growing.

Dick and Jane. Vintage desing...lots of colours. I can't wait to start working with them, but first I have to convince Chris to buy me a Radio Flyer...believe it or not it's my childhood dream! hehehehe

But I’m happy now just by looking at my papers, thinking of the pages I’m going to create with them...very special pages because most of them I bought thinking of the kids we are adopting this year.
The process is on again, the P.R.I.D.E training will start in February. They are ministry run sessions that help prepares the couples for the adoption and help them deal with issues that may come in the future. In the meantime we’ll have the Home Study going on too. So many things to do, so many little details to look after just so our kids will live in a safe environment. We’ll have a lot of work, a lot of decluttering, organizing,’m already tired…hehehehe...and I haven’t even started!

This is the Picnic Kit...I can already see the pictures I'm going to take on our day trips..specially in Glen Williams or Kettleby...we would love to move there someday. Who knows?

Oh, no no no...I’m not complaining at all!!! Chris and I so much want to start our family. We talk a lot about it, about what it means to us to have kids. What for???? Why bother starting now that you are not young anymore? So what?!?!?!?!?!? We think that it’s not worth working so much, learning a lot, living and trying new things every day, going thru so many different moments and then…puff…just die and have nobody to carry on our memories, our thoughts, our history, our names.
Not that we are that naïve, thinking that kids will really carry on our thoughts and all the things we will teach them. They will have their own lives, their own experiences and they will learn from them all, but the memories of our moments together as a family will go on after we are not here anymore and that’s what we look for, having them telling their own kids how funny Dad was…how silly Mom was, how she used to burn the rice…how Tico and Teco running around the house, chasing each other…or how mom and dad used to sit together every night, holding hands while watching So You Think You Can Dance. Aren’t those good reasons to start a family? I think so too!

Love Me Do...yeah yeah yeah...With those I'll celebrate my love for my husband. This incredible man that loves me so much, that spoils me, that makes me laugh every day, that cares for me, teaches me, makes me feel safe. He's the one who brought me back to life when there wasn't life at all.

Back to the papers and quoting an ad I saw a couple of years ago in a Scrapbooking magazine “My hands are jealous of what my mind can create” or something like that (you know, Fla-la-la…Fla-la-land…heheheh). Alright, I admit, I am not that creative, but I think that everything you make out of love, unconditional love is beautiful, so who cares if I’m creative or not..I’m gonna be a MOM!!!!!


  1. OMG Flavia I love all those papers....gorgeous stuff. I want it all start to your blog girl...I don't know what you were worried about my friend..hugs

  2. Hi Flavia,
    your blog is a delight to read! This is Life Among the Papers; really cool. Glad your hubby is recovering! Congratulations on taking the first steps to the most wonderful job in life (MHO)...being a Mom, great and I wish you much blessing!

  3. hello...
    hey, now you can't say that I've never read your blog!...your blog is amazing(why can't I do things like these?).
    love you

  4. Hi Flavia I think your blog is very nice and I like all those papers for scrapbooking that you got. Congratulations for taking the steps to be a mom, I know you will love being one. I always wish you the best. Love and Hugs Dianne

  5. Great blog Fla :o))... never say never and old is only how you feel!
    Sharon 2

  6. Awesome post, love the papers they are great cant wait to see what you make with them. Congrats on the kids Hugs

  7. Love the papers - they are all so lovely!! Hoping all goes well for you with the adoptions - good on you!!!

  8. Those pages are gorgeous. Glad to hear your hubby is on the mend.

    Adoption? way to go, that is wonderful.

